Article Writing Homework Help

Write 7 pages with APA style on Interpersonal Relationships in Todays Society. The subjects chosen for this project were of the following ages and demographics: A 26-year-old, working citizen in a lon

Write 7 pages with APA style on Interpersonal Relationships in Todays Society. The subjects chosen for this project were of the following ages and demographics: A 26-year-old, working citizen in a long-term heterosexual relationship, a 44-year-old stay-at-home mother of two children in a 13-year marital relationship, and a 47-year-old divorcee with no children who is currently somewhat active in the social dating scene. This paper describes their unique viewpoints on relationships along with an assessment of psychological literature on the subject. Counseling recommendations for the interviewed subjects are also defined.

Weiten, Lloyd, Dunn, and Hammer (2008) offer a common phenomenon of the modern culture which the authors deem as choice overload. This theory suggests that the wide variety of products available in today’s stores, along with different social beliefs about what constitutes healthy interpersonal or inter-professional relationships, leads to having too many choices. This choice overload allows the person to waste far too much time in decision-making, spending quality cognitive and emotional energy on trivial issues. Ultimately, this choice of overload will likely lead to stress and frustration.

When options are available within the relationship, perhaps this phenomenon affects the quality and dimension of the relationship? None of the interviewed respondents indicated any measurable perception of option overload when asked about their time spent considering the relationship. In fact, Subject 2, the 44-year old married woman, indicated that in her environment, having a wide variety of options leads to more quality solutions, especially when her children were involved. Essentially, the subject felt that options were the only real motivation she felt to keep focusing on being the family caretaker because they prevent her from feeling trapped by her family job role. Though this was a small interview sample, it does tend to refute the option overload hypothesis,& least for the female population.&nbsp.

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