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Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Marketing mix strategy in developing country.

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: Marketing mix strategy in developing country. Marketing mix strategy determinants can be identified in relation to the four dimensions of price, place, promotion and product. In this section, emphasis will be laid on factors or determinants that impose considerable influences on the success potentials of Vodafone’s marketing strategies when penetrating Afghanistan. While these strategies need to be linked with the market trends and the consumer buying behaviour, there are many factors those might impose considerable effects on organisational efficiency to persuade target customers and successfully accomplish their marketing goals. It is to be noted in this regard that marketing mix strategies developed by organisation (Smith & Taylor, 2004).

When deciding upon strategies related to product in Afghanistan, customer needs shall play a major role as a key determinant to its success. As the effectiveness of products offered depend on its efficiency to suffice consumer needs, which again influences on the factors associated with consumer behaviour and correspondingly, to customer satisfaction and organisational success, it becomes crucial for any company to pay due attention to the same when penetrating a foreign country. It is worth mentioning in this context that each target market deciphers a considerable difference from other market segments in terms of their product needs, which makes it more crucial for Vodafone to understand the customer demands in Afghanistan irrespective of its experiences in the home country (Avlonitis & Gounaris, 1997). Notably, as Afghanistan is currently in a developing state, major development and change have been witnessed within the consumer needs in effect of globalisation.

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