Art & Design Homework Help

Discussion #5: The Nazca Lines The Nazca Lines are engraved into the surface of the earth but the images can only be seen from above. Read the following Khan Academy article on the Nazca Lines and rel

Discussion #5: The Nazca Lines

The Nazca Lines are engraved into the surface of the earth but the images can only be seen from above. Read the following Khan Academy article on the Nazca Lines and relate to the following…

1) In your first discussion paragrah, explain what exactly are the Nazca Lines and describe one of the earthworks.

2) In your second discussion paragraph, since this artwork was made before humankind had the ability to hover above the earth, what reasons might the artist(s) have had for creating these earthworks? 

3) In your third discussion paragraph, relate this artistic activity and type of messaging to the gods, if indeed it was messaging to the gods, to today’s social media with the use of Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram.

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