Accounting Homework Help

Financial information for Forever 18 includes the following selected data (in millions) (4 In millions) 2015 2014 Net Income 171 201 Dividends on preferred stock 21 16 Average shares outstanding (in m

Financial information for Forever 18 includes the following selected data (in millions) (4 In millions) 2015 2014 Net Income 171 201 Dividends on preferred stock 21 16 Average shares outstanding (in millions) 228 300 Stock price 11.97 10.92 Required: 1-a. Calculate earnings per share in 2014 and 2015. (Enter your answer in millions.) 1b. Did earnings per share increase in 2015? o No o Yes 2-a. Calculate earnings ratio in 2014 and 2015. (Enter your answer in millions. Round your) 1b. in which year is the stock priced lower in relation to reported earnings? o 2014 o 2015

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