Accounting Homework Help

Scenario 4: Module 4 LusterLast: Business Year 2019 Last year the company elected to hire a sales force. And, while sales appeared to be good, management wants Ashanti to investigate, which means, of

Scenario 4: Module 4

LusterLast: Business Year 2019

Last year the company elected to hire a sales force. And, while sales appeared to be good, management wants Ashanti to investigate, which means, of course, that you will investigate.

You are provided with the following data. Your boss wants you to provide her figures on:

  • Salesforce Effectiveness based on last year’s annual expenses and sales revenue.
  • Break-even number of employees.
  • Category Performance Ratio

LusterLast Stats

Annual Sales Expenses                 Annual Sales                Units Sold                Annual Commissions                Salaries            Bonuses

3,525,000                                        23,500,000                      4,079,861                          2,350,000                          7,050,000         235,000

Industry Data                

Sales Potential                Product Category Volume                All Commodity Volume

350,000,000                     23                                                                             87

Use your contribution margin from the previous year if necessary. Submit your spreadsheet through the designated drop box. And, this time, instead of providing just commentary, also provide a graph illustrating two relationships you believe are essential and briefly explain your rationale.

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