Article Writing Homework Help

Need help with my writing homework on Editing Excercise. Write a 2500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Editing Excercise. Write a 2500 word paper answering; Using himself as a fictional character, Dante the poet relates what happens to Dante the pilgrim in the Comedy when, “midway in the journey of life,” he awakes and finds himself lost in the dark and savage wood, he has somehow “left the straight way” but he is delivered from death when a figure of great importance from his life appears from the dead to intervene. Sent by Beatrice, who has descended from heaven into hell to call him to this task, the pagan poet Virgil comes to guide Dante back to the true path. Frag. (Dante is guided back to the true path by Virgil, a pagan poet sent by Beatrice, who has descended from heaven into hell to call Dante to his task). The lost pilgrim must travel through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven.

As Dante travels he glimpses things unknown to people in this life. He relates the story of his, sometimes perilous, sometimes pleasurable journey: the souls he encounters in each realm. the sights he sees from the dismal gloom of hell to the blinding light of heaven. and the wisdom he gains as he is finally prepared to resume his earthly trials. (He relates the story of his, sometimes perilous, sometimes pleasurable journey. He tells of the souls he encounters in each realm, the sights of the dismal gloom of hell and the blinding light of heaven. He also talks about the wisdom he gains as he is finally prepared to resume his earthly trials). The poem ends with one of the most memorable images in Western art when Dante beholds the Beatific Vision and comes face to face with God. No Home for the Exiled(punc) No Home for the Exiled. 4 Born in Florence, Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) grew up in an Italy torn by opposing political and religious factions.

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