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Write a 12 pages paper on in what way should the uk cap codes (cap/bcap codes) be reformed.

Write a 12 pages paper on in what way should the uk cap codes (cap/bcap codes) be reformed. This concept defines the existence of the UK CAP Codes (CAP/BCAP Codes), which are applied towards ensuring that the promotion of brands through the mass media, as well as through different other channels such as the internet remains ethical, responsible and most importantly legal (CAP, 2013 n.p.). The Committee for Advertising Practice (CAP) is the body tasked with the responsibility of formulating, writing and maintaining the UK advertising codes, while also providing authoritative advice regarding these codes, which consists of well laid-down rules for the media, agencies and advertisers regarding how they should conduct their promotional activities of brands and products, as well as solicit for any form of support from the wider public (CAP, 2013 n.p.). Nevertheless, considering that the advertising and promotional needs for the parties involved keeps changing with every passing day, this discussion seeks to offer a macro-level analysis of the ethics of advertising regulation, with a view to assessing how the UK CAP Codes (CAP/BCAP Codes) adheres to the ethics of advertising regulation, while also determining what changes might be deemed necessary. Discussion According to the Persuasive Advertising Theory, there are three major and primary responses that an advert can trigger. First, any advertisement that is directed to the public can trigger people to feel, or experience some emotions (McNamara, 2013 n.p.). This being the case, an advert can influence the emotional state of individuals who are targeted, and thus any form of advertisement made, should always be sensitive to the emotional aspect of the target group, to ensure that the advert does not trigger an emotional feeling that would affect the target audience in a negative way (Lasagna, 1978 p3). In realization of the fact that advertisement triggers emotional feelings in the audience targeted by the advertisement, the UK BCAP Codes under section 11.18.2 which covers advertisements made for smoking deterrents, provides that such advertisements must not make claims which serve to indicate that smoking is safer, while the smoker is in the process of reducing the habit (CAP, 2013 n.p.). This rule is enacted to ensure that advertisements do not motivate smokers to continue smoking even at reduced levels, whenever they are in the process of stopping the smoking habit, with an additional rule that. advertisements in relation to smoking deterrents should only impose will power as the only requisite for stopping the habits (CAP, 2013 n.p.). However, while these rules, as established by the UK BCAP Codes are meant to protect the emotional influence of the target groups, to avert any advertisement effect that may appeal to the emotions of the smokers by creating a notion that reduced smoking is good. the rules nevertheless need to be changed. This is because, considering that there are various scientifically proven smoking therapies that have been developed, which can be applied to help smokers reduce their smoking habits gradually and eventually stop it completely, the rules needs to be reformed, to permit harm reduction claims associated with such scientifically proven therapies, such as the nicotine replacement therapy to be advertised (Johnson, 2013 n.p.).

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