Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. amerigo vespucci: the most important influential explorer and navigator Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. amerigo vespucci: the most important influential explorer and navigator Thank you in advance for the help! Born and raised in Florence, Amerigo Vespucci started his career as a clerk and administrative officer for various shipping companies in Italy and Spain. He spent early years of his career as a provision contractor for the various expeditions made towards the west. Vespucci is believed to have arranged twelve vessels for one of Columbus’s journeys to the New World. he also supplied various other commodities to the ships leaving for exploration in the west (Edwards et al.). His career as an explorer started when he was invited by King Manuel I of Portugal to accompany his ships to South America as an observer. During these voyages Vespucci observed the various aspects of the new land very deeply and started recording his observations. Later when Portugese explorers discovered some parts of Brazil, the Portugese king agains sent Amerigo Vespucci, this time as captain of the fleet, to find out if the newly discovered land was an island or the part of the same continent discovered by the Spanish under Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus was the first European to set foot on the American continent however Amerigo Vespucci was the person who actually discovered America.

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