Article Writing Homework Help

Due in 3-4 hours Just need 100 words response.I have attached the week 4 Team assignment, My company is lemondade and we are launching the lemon product, Each Team member will write a short paragraph

Due in 3-4 hours

Just need 100 words response.I have attached the week 4 Team assignment, My company is lemondade and we are launching the lemon product,

Each Team member will write a short paragraph explaining/summarizing how our company will handle the portion they were assigned. The paragraph needs to include a reference and be posted to the week 5 team discussion area

Below is the portion each team member is responsible for:

My Part

Discuss how our company will align its advertising and public relations with our target segment and product definition.

Discuss how our company will align its direct marketing and event marketing to align with our target segment and product definition.

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