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Write 12 pages thesis on the topic liberty theological seminary: billy graham. It is hard for some to imagine that this great teacher is aging and will eventually join his wife in heaven.On January 22

Write 12 pages thesis on the topic liberty theological seminary: billy graham. It is hard for some to imagine that this great teacher is aging and will eventually join his wife in heaven.

On January 22 of 1920 Herbert Randolph, the census taker for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina visited house number 159 on Park Road in Sharon Township1. He sat with the W.F. Graham family and asked all the questions he needed answers to. “Frank” Graham and his wife Morrow told how they were from an old Confederate Carolina family. They were a young couple with a young son named “Billy Frank”2. The blue-eyed blond-haired baby Billy Frank was added to the count of Mecklenburg County. When Mr. Randolph had all the information he needed he bid this family goodbye and walked to the next farm over to meet with the Clyde M. Graham family (W.F. Graham’s Brother) at 160 Park Road.

William Franklin Graham and his wife Morrow had their firstborn son while living on a farm in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (N.C.). Mecklenburg County has their son listed as Billy Frank Graham born November 7, 19183. As Billy grew he attended school in nearby Charlotte, N.C. He had lofty aspirations to become a first baseman for the Philadelphia Athletics4. Had he been so the Athletics would have had a very dedicated first baseman! A revival changed all that for the young “Billy”. As a senior in high school, he made the decision to become an evangelical preacher5. His family attended a Reformed Presbyterian church but Billy decided to attend a Baptist University. He moved to Tennessee to attend Bob Jones University. He moved to Florida six months later to attend the Florida Bible Institute6. In 1939 he was ordained as a Southern Baptist minister and moved to Wheaton College where he received his Bachelors’s degree and met Ruth McCue Bell. He left Wheaton College with a degree and a wife in 1943.

It is Graham’s hard work and charisma that have turned his decided vocation into a worldwide evangelical quest.

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