Article Writing Homework Help

Compose a 1250 words assignment on work-life policies of canada. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1250 words assignment on work-life policies of canada. Needs to be plagiarism free! The researcher states that the Government of Canada has developed the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) in 2003 which is worth studying as it helps to develop the workplace through maintaining a work-life balance of human resources and helps support the parents.&nbsp. Work-life conflicts may develop when the individual is stressed out with the incompatible needs of work and home. In Canada the work-life conflicts are high and are reported in about 65% of the working population. In about 2*% of the population, the work-life conflict is high. Due to high amount of absenteeism, about $3 to $5 billion are lost every year directly, and $4.5 to $ 6 billion indirectly. About 13% of the employees complained of a high level of stress in 1991 to 35% in 2001. Due to job stress, the direct costs were about $16 billion. Hence, the government has developed a separate Department to handle the work-life balances, preventing work-life conflicts, creating a variety of social benefit programs and looking at the development of the labor workforce in Canada. This is known as the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC), and was established in the year 2003. Approximately 24000 employees benefit from this Scheme, including 19000 employees who work under various government sectors in Canada. The HRSDC Department has basically been developed from the Human Resources Development Canada Department. This was bifurcated into the Social Development Canada (SDC) and the HRSDC. The SDC looks into social development programs from children, elders and families, whereas the HRSDC department looks into the work-related issues of the workforce. However, in 2006, there was a felt need to recombine these departments as both concerned with maintaining a work-life balance and preventing work-life conflicts. Hence, the SDC was merged into the HRSDC department. There are three ministers concerned with the HRSDC including the Human Resource and Skill Development Ministry, the Labor Ministry and the Seniors Affairs Ministry.

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