Psychology Homework Help

Course Research Paper Specifically, you need to address a communication context that interests you as it relates to the Study of Human Communication. Topic: Social Media Crisis Q: How does a company c

Course Research Paper

Specifically, you need to address a communication context that interests you as it relates to the Study of Human Communication.

Topic: Social Media Crisis Q: How does a company control a social media communication crisis?

Your final paper will be a 4-5 page paper discussing a communication genre of your choice based on the Annotated Bibliography that was submitted.   

Review the Rubrics before submitting your final paper in Word or PDF format.DO NOT Double Space: 1 or 1.5 spacing is preferred. Use Times Roman Font 12 in the paper.  Include a Cover page with your clear identification and the Title of the document with Date.At the end of the paper, include a final Bibliography with at least 4 sources and use APA format throughout your paper for internal citations.

Topic: Social Media Crisis Q: How does a company control a social media communication crisis? 

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