Article Writing Homework Help

Compose a 2000 words assignment on gordon rule: reaction of politics. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 2000 words assignment on gordon rule: reaction of politics. Needs to be plagiarism free! Many of the people involved discussed on the basis of prevention rather than cure since no one is really sure if the purported cure really works. For weeks now, the virus has been at the center of most medical discussions held by many TV stations and the discussions have aimed at creating more awareness in the people and helping them understand how to handle the situation if faced by any. In addition, it also aims at sensitizing people on how to deal with patients and what to avoid as a way of avoiding infection. The host engaged all the panelists with much focus on the Doctor and the general aiming at picturing the whole story and the reaction that people have over the fears over the virus. Discussions on the virus have continued for a long time and yet no permanent solution seems to come to the table over the virus.

Ultimately, the number of people lost keeps going high and the risk of infection increases more each day. This means that despite the discussions, more needs to be done to contain the virus and save lives. Discussions on the cure and the selective application that the African continent has raised on the European and American treatment have left the whole scenario politicized by the African leaders. The evacuation of most of the foreign medical workers from the scene has created more tensions but has aided in taking care of the health workers of foreign countries, which government to save lives mandates a role. The inclusion of the military is viewed as a very risky affair but the decision is based on many factors. The discussion was engaging and picking the Ebola virus for discussion was a good choice in keeping in touch with current affairs.

In this discussion, talks on the Ebola virus still hold massive consideration.&nbsp.

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