Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic The Politics of Information Systems and Technologies.

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic The Politics of Information Systems and Technologies. Information systems and technologies literature has for a long time continued to focus on factors that influence the failure or success of information systems (IS). The IS development projects that include top management support, the involvement of the user, as well as the practical development of techniques of adopting these measures also remain essential for success (Murphy, 2009, pg 63). To support the policies in the IT and IS processes, the paper also focuses on the internet by showing its history of development. For example, Knowledge Management (KM) is one of the approaches used in understanding politics and in the control of political resources by the use of information technology/systems.

Knowledge Management (KM) proves to be an essential approach for understanding the politics of information technology. KM follows two approaches that are critical for understanding the politics of IT/IS. The first approach refers to knowledge as an entity that can be possessed. Information technologies/systems enhance in capturing and sharing knowledge through knowledge information systems (Sugumaran, 2011, pg 149). Knowledge management involves the process through which organizations acquire, possess share, and transfer knowledge. The second approach refers to knowledge being a social practice. Consequently, knowledge amounts to a political resource arising from conflicting interests.

Organizations engage in knowledge management in order to reduce uncertainty as well as encouraging effectiveness and innovation. Therefore, it is important to protect and to preserve knowledge by using different IT processes of knowledge creation.

Knowledge creation arises through means such as acquisition and mergers. For example, in 2006, Google bought YouTube to gain control of the video site. Another method of knowledge creation refers to the sharing of knowledge through consultancy and funding of research.

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