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Write 6 pages thesis on the topic the laboratory technique to grade soil. In sieve analysis we assess the particle size distribution we the annular material. It is the very simple grading technique wh

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic the laboratory technique to grade soil. In sieve analysis we assess the particle size distribution we the annular material. It is the very simple grading technique which helps us to determine how the material will behave when it will be in use.

The particle size distribution is used for gravel and sand size (coarse) particles, which can be separated into different size ranges with a series of sieves of standard aperture openings. Soil sieving is not used for the very much smaller silt and clay (fine) particles. To determine the distribution of the finer particles (smaller than 0.075 mm in diameter) the sedimentation procedures are used instead and most common would be the hydrometer test of soil.

Sieve analysis consists of shaking the coarse-grained soil sample through a series of woven-wire square-mesh sieves that have progressively smaller openings. So particles larger than the size of each sieve are retained on the sieve.

First, the soil is oven-dried and then its weight is measured. Then all lumps are broken into a small particle before they are passed through the sieves. The weight of each sieve should be known or measure it before passing the soil. At least 10 minutes of hand sieving is desirable for soils with small particles. After the completion of the shaking period, the mass of each sieve should be measure again. Subtracting this weight to the weight of sieve before soil passing gives us the mass of soil retained in each sieve. The sum of these weights should be checked against the original soil weight.

After making these calculations the results of the sieve analysis are plotted on semi-logarithmic plots known as particle–size distribution curves. In this article, diameters are plotted in log scale and the corresponding per cent finer in arithmetic scale. Analysis of these curves helps us to determine the soil gradation of the particular soil.

In this test method a cone that has a 60&nbsp.point, facing downward, is pushed into the ground at a continuous rate (The rate of penetration is about 1 to 2 cm/sec).&nbsp.&nbsp.

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