Article Writing Homework Help

Submit a 5 page paper (APA style) creating a market strategy using Blockchain technology to increase knowledge about consumer preferences and developing branding for your company. Reflection Two (R2)

Submit a 5 page paper (APA style) creating a market strategy using Blockchain technology to increase knowledge about consumer preferences and developing branding for your company.

Reflection Two (R2) is an essay assignment.

Unit 2: Readings and Resources

Your readings this week will help you better understand BlockchainTechnology and prepare you to engage in this secondModule’s discussion and assignments. Be sure to read the peer reviewed articles carefully and view the YouTubevideosprior to starting your weekly discussion engagement, accomplish, and reflection.


  • Blockchain, the Next Wave of Innovation in Digital Marketing
  • Why Brands Need to Pay Attention to Ever-Changing Consumer Habits
  • How Brands Should Be Working To Fix The Consumer Trust Crisis


  • YouTube: A Primer to Bitcoin and the Blockchain
  • YouTube: MetaX- Unlocking the Blockchain for Digital Advertising
  • YouTube: How Blockchainis changing Digital Identity
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