Philosophy Homework Help

Please read attached documents. Then write an opinionated reaction paper. REACTION PAPER RUBRIC -Reaction Papers will be due in dropbox by the end of the week. There will be a total of 10 reaction

Please read attached documents. Then write an opinionated reaction paper.


-Reaction Papers will be due in dropbox by the end of the week. There will be a total of 10 reaction papers that will need be submitted. However, there will be 13 weeks of class with readings. Therefore, you are permitted to skip 3 reaction papers whenever you choose. Each paper will count as 1% of the total course grade, adding up to a total of 10%.What you will need to do is write one paragraph summarizing an argument or other interest that a philosopher we have read that current week has put forth. Once you summarize their argument or whatever it was you found interesting that they said, then write a following paragraph that contains your reaction to it. For example, you could write about how you agree or disagree with what they said; you could write about why you thought the topic they dealt with was extremely important or not important; you could also write about anything else as long as you critically think about and deal with the argument you summarized in the first paragraph.

12 point, Times New Roman Font

Double Spaced

1-inch margins

250-300 words (1 page)


Do not cite videos

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