Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article Career goals. The work is to be 1 page with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Career goals. The work is to be 1 page with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Charting my Marketing Coordinator People I need to connect with How I will connect Sales representatives

Marketing associates

Data analysts

Sales consultants

HR managers

Public relation officers

MIS coordinators

Project managers

In the marketing field, information asymmetry can be extremely disadvantageous to the marketing coordinator. To eliminate this, I will connect with these people through emails, phones, frontal meetings, and sustaining a working relationship with their associates.

Qualities/traits I need to develop

Flexibility/adaptability to diversity

Accountable/ Responsible

An Artistic Eye

A Strong Ego



Most of the qualities needed to thrive in this profession can be developed through self-realization and acceptance of the job. I will improve my personality to fit the specific needs and preferences of the industry. As a team player, will also learn and acquire other traits from my associates.

Experience I need to gain

I need 3 year experience in marketing, communication management, advertising, sales management, CRM, and experience in Project Management, developing practical proposals, exhibitions, and qualifications correspondences.

Participation is the greatest and most effective way of gaining experience. I will plainly assume activities and processes/procedures that will augment my acquisition of the skills. I will also constantly interact with professionals in the consistent fields and possibly establish a network of friends/associates in these fields. The network of friends will be updating me on the various trends and merging issues in their sectors.

Skills I need to learn

Effective communication skills

Leadership and organizational skills

Computer skills

Team building skills

Technological skills

Persuasion skills

Proficiency in resource and risk management

These skills will be developed through training. For instance, attending training sessions and programs aimed at updating professional skills. Others will be gained through experience and interaction with clients and subordinates in the line of duty.

Work cited

Mondschein, Ken. Advertising, Sales, and Marketing. New York, NY: Ferguson,&nbsp.2009. Print.

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