Business & Finance Homework Help

Read “Nora-Sakari” Case and answer the following questions. You need not re-type the questions-just state the question number and answer each question separately. Please observe the space limits (3 pa

Read “Nora-Sakari” Case and answer the following questions. You need not re-type the questions-just state the question number and answer each question separately. Please observe the space limits (3 pages double spaced, 11 point font). 


 1. Why have the negotiations so far failed to result in an agreement? Is the formation of the JV between NORA and SAKARI the best option for both companies to achieve their respective objectives?

 2. What were the chief impediments facing NORA and SAKARI as they prepare for their potential third negotiation regarding the proposed JV in Malaysia? How do you suggest they should address these issues and come to an agreement regarding the proposed JV in Malaysia?

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