Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on designing event experiences Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on designing event experiences Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! It is also the fifth largest festival in the world in terms of attendance. It has been growing immensely since the time of its inception. Music lovers from across Europe and Britain come to attend the festival. The festival includes a line-up of performances of famous bands and different musical acts. In recent years the festival has begun sharing its line ups with the famous music festival Oxegen. Oxegen also takes place at the same time of the year. Bands and acts play in Oxegen on one day and in T in the Park the next. This is mainly done so as to boost ticket sales. Since the year 2003, the festival has been taking place in Balado. From 2015 onwards the festival will be moved to Strathallan Castle Estate in the country of Perthshire. Almost 3 million pints of lager are specially brewed by Tennents for the event. The 2014 festival was held between the 10th and the 13th of July (“T in the Park.”). This was the last time that the festival was held in Balado due to the issue of the gas pipelines which run underneath the field. The line up of acts for the 2014 event included a performance by Arctic Monkeys, Calvin Harris, Ed Sheeran, Paul Weller and The Human League amongst many others. The festival was granted the late-night music license which allowed the bands to play till 1 am unlike previously where they played only till 12 am (“T in the Park.”).

The report analyzes environmental factors, the experiences and the interactions which occur during an event. Rossman’s symbolic interaction theory has been used to analyze T in the Park and the experiences the event was successful in providing.

Interaction between people becomes an essential aspect for all the associated people of an event. The interaction normally occurs so as to meet the needs of all the people who are associated with an event. The interaction between people may occur directly or indirectly at multiple levels such as cultural, social, business-oriented and so on.&nbsp.

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