Article Writing Homework Help

Write 8 pages with APA style on Problem Question. The appeal case will deal with two primary issues. whether the IndyBooks Ltd. adhered to the doctrine of incorporation. and whether an e-mail notifica

Write 8 pages with APA style on Problem Question. The appeal case will deal with two primary issues. whether the IndyBooks Ltd. adhered to the doctrine of incorporation. and whether an e-mail notification can be taken as form of acceptance of a contract. Doctrine of Incorporation The doctrine of incorporation in English law Contract Law refers to the attaching of terms and conditions to such agreements in a manner that the court acknowledges them as legitimate. For terms to be viewed as incorporated the following three conditions must be met: a) the offerer of the contract must notify the other party of the terms prior to or in the course of entering into the contract. b) the terms and conditions must be attached to the document containing the contract. and c) the originator of the terms must act “reasonably” to ensure that the terms are within the reach of the other party. These rules are however not statutory1. In this case, IndyBooks Limited met the three conditions by notifying Ryan of the terms and conditions during the registration process.

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