Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article The Sadhu case. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article The Sadhu case. The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The Sadhu Case Specify the individuals or groups in the case who made ethical decisions and what action followed each decision.

Individuals or groups that made ethical decisions included Stephen, the four Swiss, the Sherpas, and the Japanese. Stephen decided to help the Sadhu by clothing and carrying him towards the hut where he could get help. The Sadhu was able to get warm and was assisted in moving towards the hut. The four Swiss also provided clothes to the Sadhu making him get warm. The Sherpas carried the Sherpas to a place about 15,000 feet (Jennings 5). The place was warm and close to a hut where the Sadhu could get aid. The Japanese also acted ethically by providing food and drinks to the Sadhu. Eventually, the Sadhu gained the energy to walk by himself.

2. What ethical theories or principles or values are the different individuals or groups using in their solution to the dilemma?

The theories include moral relativism, categorical imperative, utilitarian, ethical egoism, and divine command (Jennings 13). In moral relativism, one assesses the prevailing situation and resolves to take an action that will be justified by the pressure of the moment. All the groups and individuals abandoned the Sadhu after giving him all the necessary assistance and realizing that he would move on his own. They had to move before the road was cleared by melting snow. Their need to get back their way before they could lose it justified their actions to abandon the Sadhu. The theory of categorical imperative was also evident among all the groups and individuals. They all helped the Sadhu even when they could not benefit anything from their actions. However, they were influenced by the fact that they expected to be treated in a similar manner should they find themselves in a needy situation like that of the Sadhu.

According to the theory of utilitarian, people should chose make a decision with maximum benefits and minimum harms when resolving ethical dilemmas. One of the New Zealanders identified the body of the Sadhu and did his best to take him down the mountain before he met McCoy. He dumped the body of the Sadhu before McCoy and resumed back to climbing the mountain with his friends (Jennings 6). That was the best he could do because he was supposed to cross the pass before sun could melt the ice. Ethical egoism is evident when Pasang refused to allow the porters to carry the Sadhu because they would not have enough energy to cross the pass after carrying the Sadhu to the hut. Pasang heavily relied on the porters to carry his luggage. The divine command theory is based on the idea that ethics is defined by religious beliefs. Stephen was a staunch Christians who believed in putting the interests of others before his own interests. He managed to assists the Sadhu even though he was losing breath due to oxygen deprivation and he nearly lost his life.

3. How do you think that more detailed knowledge of this case can help you with ethical dilemma crises that you will face in professional accountancy?

The accounting profession requires objectivity and fairness in presenting financial information. This requires very high levels of professional ethics such as presenting factual information without concealing the truth. A more detailed knowledge of the Sadhu case is helpful in handling ethical dilemma crises because it provides knowledge on the purpose, moral principles, and prediction of the consequences of actions. The Sadhu case also demonstrates that professionals are responsible for aligning their actions with their values in order to achieve the purpose of the profession. Generally, a more detailed knowledge of the case is important in ensuring that we take actions that have positive consequences.

Work Cited

Jennings, Marianne. Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings. New York: Cengage Learning, 2011.

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