Article Writing Homework Help

Create a 11 pages page paper that discusses factors that would influence the decision-making process.

Create a 11 pages page paper that discusses factors that would influence the decision-making process. Clinical assessment encompasses history taking and examination, bone and hard tissue assessment and analysis of the bone and soft tissue relation. Patient’s medical, surgical and dental history should be elicited. Relevant oral and extra-oral examination must be performed. The aim of the examination is to determine the status of the affected tooth, periodontal status and occlusal relationship, and identify focus of infection, if any. In this case, it’s important to examine the crestal and interproximal bone, gingival tissue and smile line before undertaking implant surgery in the aesthetic zone. Data relevant to the case is collected in the form of photographs, diagnostic casts, preextraction periapical and panoramic radiographs. It is also recommended that three dimensional cone beam or computerised tomographic scans should be performed prior to tooth extraction to assess the anatomy and bone of the affected region. This can greatly assist in planning the surgical steps as the bone dimensions are clearly visualised.

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