Article Writing Homework Help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Culture of the Police. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Culture of the Police. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. The researcher states that according to the police professional ethics and ethos, culture simply means the sense-making in ideas, knowledge, belief, behaviors, and rituals. The resentment to violence among the police during such conflicts of managing the criminals and troublemakers has a great deal or implication to the police cultural identity. The culture of the police has been studied exhaustively though overlooking some minor but essential issues revolving around the police. For instance, the police uniform is part of their culture. Almost all social groups wear the uniform. For example, during the time of Hitler, all the occupational groups were required to be uniformed to eliminate the undesirables in the country. Uniform is a special clothing one wears during role-playing and it demands respect to the wearer. To the police, the uniform has solid implications of the importance of the person to the society. In addition, the uniform has a masculine appeal to the police since it tends to appeal with epaulets the insignia suggestion of the wearer. The number of buttons on the sleeves of the so-called suits of the police signifies the seniority or the superiority of the police on them. The police also have an unwritten rule that any police should never say out the misconducts or crimes of an allied police, commonly known as “the blue shield”. The police have endorsed a family or unity where every member is responsible for the other. As a result, they claim ignorance of the wrongdoing when enquired about a comrade’s crime would. Members of a police tribal system receive protection from each other. The police culture is endorsed by a new recruit in the very beginning of one’s career at academies until one qualifies fully as police. In the process of learning the duties, new recruits will also learn about the police culture as well as the values required to achieve the highest rank in the organization. These values directly transform to the so-called “blue shield” and produce a selective environment suitable for them.

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