Article Writing Homework Help

Write 1 page with APA style on Promotional Strategy of Go Organic. In its marketing strategy, the company should apply pricing, promotion, product and place as its marketing tools. These 4 Ps are nece

Write 1 page with APA style on Promotional Strategy of Go Organic. In its marketing strategy, the company should apply pricing, promotion, product and place as its marketing tools. These 4 Ps are necessary for helping the company to properly market its products. When it comes to pricing, Go Organic Company should set reasonably fair prices in comparison with its rivals. Through this, it will attract more clients to purchase its commodities. Besides, it should rigorously participate in sales promotion. Here, the company should heavily investing in advertisements. In order to reach its target clients and inform them about the supply, uses, and benefits of its organic products, it should advertise its commodities in the broadcast, print and online media.

Moreover, when it comes to the product, the company should ensure that it manufactures high-quality services. For it to enjoy a competitive advantage over its rivals, the company should produce unique and appealing commodities. This will enable it to win the confidence of its potential and existing clients. Lastly, the company should evenly distribute its commodities to ensure that they are made available to all its clients irrespective of their geographical locations. For guaranteed success, these Ps should be used by the company.

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