Article Writing Homework Help

Hello everyone. Please refer to the attached Form 990 as well as the questions below for this assignment. Provide your responses in a word document. Thank you! Please respond to the following question

Hello everyone. Please refer to the attached Form 990 as well as the questions below for this assignment. Provide your responses in a word document. Thank you!

Please respond to the following questions in your word document:

1. What was the total revenue for Holy Name Medical Center (HNMC) in 2017?

2. What are the net income (aka revenue less expenses) for HNMC in 2017?

3. Who is the chairman of the board of HNMC?

4. How many board members make up the Board of Trustees at HNMC?

5. Provide a list of the names and annual salaries and bonuses (aka additional pay), if applicable for the individuals in the following roles at HNMC: CEO, CFO, EVP & CMO, General Counsel, VP of Administration, VP of Patient Engagement & CXO (Chief Experience Officer)

6. What is the current, end-of-year balance on endowment funds?

7. What was the total amount of community building activities for the year?

8. What was the total amount of Bad Debt for the year?

9. What was the total amount of Bad Debt for patients covered under HNMC’s financial assistance policy?

10. How many Joint Ventures did HNMC have and who were they with/what was the name of the Joint Venture party?

Link is attached.

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