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Compose a 3000 words assignment on strategic management at starbucks. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 3000 words assignment on strategic management at starbucks. Needs to be plagiarism free! Starbucks Corporation is one of the most renowned coffee companies in the world that had started its operations in the year 1971 in Seattle, Washington. Starbucks has always been a place that serves the best coffee in the world. At present, the company operates in more than 62 countries and has more than 21,000 stores. Majority of the Starbucks consumers are from the nations of the US, Japan, Canada, China, the UK, Thailand, Germany, South Korea, and Mexico. Howard Schultz is the chairperson, CEO, and president of the company. It is a public company and functions in the restaurant business sector. The products of Starbucks include whole bean coffee, varieties of instant coffee, snacks of different types, cold and hot beverages and full leaf tea. The store sells packaged food products and items such as coffee mugs and tumblers. Starbucks also markets books, music, and films through Hear Music, which is a brand owned by Starbucks. The company adopts diversified strategies to meet the varying needs of consumers, who are spread across the world. The company’s products and services are seen to be seasonal and change according to store location and local demand. Starbucks’ coffee and ice creams are sold even at grocery stores. The company is currently reconstructing its operations by shutting down non-profitable outlets and opening new ones in emerging markets. Market saturation has also has been forcing Starbucks to adopt more innovative approaches to attracting customers (Koehn, 2001).

The positioning of the business in the market and the industry is a crucial factor for its success. The management of Starbucks pursues clear cut strategies regarding their business positioning. Their strategy is to build Starbucks into a destination that provides the ultimate coffee experience that customers can enjoy. Some of the considerations that Starbucks takes into perspective for developing its position in the market are discussed as follows.

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