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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Theories of Agression. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Theories of Agression. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. This essay will examine the theories of aggression and discuss their development, the relevant studies, limitations, applications, current views and adaptations.

As much as aggression is a subject of study in a number of disciplines, it is still not easy to directly study human aggression probably due to its sporadic occurrence that does not provide much reason for its acknowledgment or its reporting. This complexity perhaps comes out in the form of each scientific discipline possessing its own theories in an attempt to explain aggression. Aggression theories can be placed into the three categories of social learning theories, drive theories and biological/innate theories (Gill & Williams, 2008).

Sigmund Freud is popularly recognized for coming up with psychoanalysis. Freud states in his early development theory that the motivation for human behaviors originates from the sexual drive and libido energy (Fromm, 1973). The libidinal energy is derived from the instincts of life and its repression often comes out as aggression. Freud’s example of this aggressive behavior is shown in his works of Oedipus Complex and childhood aggression.

Boys at the age of around five normally feel the urge to pursue close and intimate relationships with their mother since they regard their mothers as the providers of love and food. These feelings are accompanied by aggression towards their fathers who they regard as competitors for their mother’s affection.

Similarly, Freud developed the Electra Complex as the female version of the Oedipal Complex in which girls aged five develop feelings that make them want to relate to their fathers, rejecting the mother in the process. Both boys and girls eventually outgrow the Oedipal Complex and begin relating with their fathers and mothers, respectively. These are examples of innate personalities that occur in all humans (Fromm, 1973).

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