Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 10 pages APA formatted article: Liquid Air Energy as Vehicle Fuel. In addition to that, liquid air technologies are especially adaptable to low-grade waste cradles such as data centers, therm

Complete 10 pages APA formatted article: Liquid Air Energy as Vehicle Fuel. In addition to that, liquid air technologies are especially adaptable to low-grade waste cradles such as data centers, thermal generation, or internal combustion engines or IC found in vehicles and can easily turn into power. As a result, myriad researchers have conducted myriad studies on the area and its impact on the environment.

The hydrogen fuel cell solution has been identified by many as a viable alternative method of fueling vehicles. Hydrogen fuel cells contain two main components: the hydrogen and the fuel cell that receives the energy. The hydrogen fuel cell stands as an electrochemical conversion device for energy that changes oxygen and hydrogen fuel from the atmosphere into the water, producing heat and electricity for the vehicle’s engine in the process. Fuel cell data usage from 2000 shows that the hydrogen fuel cells are in use in equal measure as other energy sources in fuelling auto motives. Fuel cells have ion-conductive membranes that have platinum catalysts on their two sides. Hydrogen gets in from one side and gets out from the other side. Oxygen and hydrogen react while at the platinum catalyst to develop water and electricity. Some refer to the fuel cell as the proton exchange membrane (PEM) (Kung & Kung 2005).

The quantity of energy realized from the fuel cells depends on the pressure, amount of hydrogen used, and the size of the fuel cell. The Department of Energy states that a single fuel cell can result in only one volt, which is not enough even for the smallest use. To raise the energy that comes from fuel cells, engineers are developing fuel stacks (Dincer 2008). A quintessential fuel stack contains hundreds of fuel cells. Besides, hydrogen does not occur freely in the environment and is found in water (H2O). Natural gas could also be another source of hydrogen, but this source would only lead to the pollution of air and present no difference from the use of petroleum fuels. Biogas can also aid in the production of hydrogen, but the alternative is overly expensive because of the unavailability of agricultural wastes. Thus, the electrolysis of water remains the best option for producing hydrogen as it is cheap and friendly to the environment. In the US, for example, electrolysis accounts for 95% of hydrogen production. Hydrogen from electrolysis, on average, accounts for 48% of the hydrogen available for industrial use in the world &nbsp.(Fuel Cells 2000).

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