Science Homework Help

Draw a flowchart showing how the process by which a mixture ofo-toluic

Identify which procedures are needed to accomplish the given outcomes (1-6) to separate thefollowing compoundsBrOHHO.OOCIH3CNH2ABCD1. All four compounds are in the organicsolution[ Choose ][ Choose ]2. The salt of compound C partitions to theaqueous layer and can separated.Add aqueous NaOH solutionAdd Mg504 to the organic solution3. The salt of compound B partitions to theaqueous layer and can separated.Evaporate the MTBE solventDissolve the mixture in ethanol4. The salt of compound A partitions to theaqueous layer and can separated.Add aqueous NaHCO3 solutionAdd aqueous NaCl solution5. The majority of water dissolved in theMTBE moves to the aqueous layer and canAdd aqueous HCI solutionseparated.Dissolve the mixture in MTBE6. Any remaining water is adsorbed by thedrying agent and can be filtered.[ Choose ]

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