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Research paper DSM Recognized Adhd disorder The paper must be written in APA style. It must be 5-7 pages in length, and this page range does not include the required cover page and reference page. Wi

 Research paper DSM Recognized Adhd disorder

The paper must be written in APA style. It must be 5-7 pages in length, and this page range does not include the required cover page and reference page.  With the cover page and reference page the paper should be between 7-9 pages (no abstract is required however

You must use a minimum of three sources for this paper.  These sources may and should include: your textbook, the DSM-V, and a peer reviewed journal articles.  In addition to these you may also use additional materials reviewed and approved by you instructor

You must use a minimum of three sources for this paper.  These sources should include at least one of each of the following: your textbook, the DSM-IV or DSM-V, and a peer reviewed journal article. 

The paper must contain the following sections:

Section 1. Introduction – a brief overview of what the paper will present/discuss

Section 2.  a. description of the disorder, b. symptoms of the disorder, c. DSM-IV or DSM-V criteria for diagnosis, d. prevalence of the disorder.

Section 3.  Causes of the disorder

Section 4.  Psychological or medical (drug) treatment

Section 5. Long term prognosis

Section 6.  Reference page

Please note that the paper must be written in APA style and format. Guides and links to writing in APA format will be available during the semester.  Also see the following site for APA questions

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