Psychology Homework Help

Video Summaries Watch all of the videos for which links are posted below. Write a separate summary for each video. Put all the summaries in one document for submission. Summary Criteria Numbere

Video Summaries

  • Watch all of the videos for which links are posted below.
  • Write a separate summary for each video.
  • Put all the summaries in one document for submission.
  • Summary Criteria
    • Numbered-point format
    • At least 35 points per video with no repetitions
    • Click “Submit Assignment” and type or paste your summary in the text box that opens or submit a file
    • Grading criteria: One point for each original point that accurately describes video content
    • Submissions with Turnitin similarity scores of 11% or more will receive grades of zero.

Video #1 The Secret Life of the Brain (1 of 5) The Baby’s Brain (2002)

Video #2 The Secret Life of the Brain (2 of 5) The Child’s Brain (2002)

Video #3 The Secret Life of the Brain (3 of 5) The Teenage Brain (2002)

Video #4 The Secret Life of the Brain (4 of 5) The Adult Brain (2002)

Video #5 The Secret Life of the Brain (5 of 5) The Aging Brain (2002)

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