Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Ethics and Justice in Criminal Law.

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Ethics and Justice in Criminal Law. Shantel should ethically not plead guilty to a crime she did not commit (Siegel &amp. Worrall, 2011). This is however difficult given her past records of criminal offenses. In addition, her evidence may not be considered strong enough given she was staying together with a boyfriend who was a drug addict. Shantel is not the only one with such scenarios. fact bargaining, sentence bargaining and charge bargaining are also commonly used. For example, an individual who has been unrightfully charged for first degree murder may plead that the case be reduced to a man slaughter against the backdrop of the reigning laws and rules. Plea bargaining has been challenged for its using the game theory to analyze and decide on a plea bargaining process (Siegel &amp. Worrall, 2011). In addition, crime victims do not have the ability to influence plea agreements. Defense Attorneys and the Ethics of Death Row Volunteering This presents both legal and ethical dilemmas in that I, as the defense attorney, am charged with protecting the client’s interests and negotiating between my own personal values and the client’s wishes as pertains to the execution. This hence needs a balance between my personal values and professional standing.

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