Engineering Homework Help

You must have a minimum of 5 slides but no more than 10 slides. The presentation should be interesting, brief, and informative – just the facts, no fluff or extra verbiage. Think of your presentation

You must have a minimum of 5 slides but no more than 10 slides. The presentation should be interesting, brief, and informative – just the facts, no fluff or extra verbiage. Think of your presentation as a movie trailer. Short and to-the-point. It should basically be an overview of your Project Paper.




Ethical Hackers. Ethical Hackers perform the same security breach activities as criminal hackers. However, they have the permission to hack an organization’s network in order to perform tests that keep it safe from illegal hacking. Do you think this is a good idea? Are we really keeping our digital world safe? Or are we training new potential criminals that could “turn to the dark side” should they become disgruntled in their lives or careers? Have there been cases of Ethical Hackers that turned rogue?

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