Article Writing Homework Help

Compose a 3250 words assignment on change management of singapore shippping corporation. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 3250 words assignment on change management of singapore shippping corporation. Needs to be plagiarism free! Singapore Shipping Corporation (SSC) is a medium-size ship owner with 3 car carriers with a total capacity to carry 13,929 units of cars. Although it has been in business for over 40 years, yet it has not been able to expand appreciably in the ship owning and operation activities. Playing safe it has always offered its tonnage on time charter without taking any risks. It has confined itself to owning and operating car carriers that have a limited market. It now aims to expand its business to enable it to weather recessions and be more competitive in the market with diversified capabilities.

It has been proposed to the management that the company should now move into the more lucrative break-bulk and container cargoes. For this, it is advised to acquire more ships suitable for these trades. While the company is financially capable of this diversification and expansion, the management and the workers need to change their corporate culture from a relatively secure environment of working of a subservient nature to the more challenging and volatile environment of cross trading in the bulk and general cargo markets.

Our team of qualified and experienced master mariners, marine and engineering superintendents is committed to delivering reliable, efficient and cost-effective services in the areas of charter operations but are not exposed to the volatile nature of booking cargoes, dealing with the worldwide port handling agencies, and a variety of customers.

This calls for change management policies and practices and requires an understanding of change theories and requirements. The following report has been prepared for the management and will clarify the need and process of change management.

Environments have a great impact on companies. &nbsp.In the face of increased pressure, competition, and a continually challenging business environment the decision for new strategies is not really a choice but an essential requirement for retaining competitive advantage.

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