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Complete 12 pages APA formatted article: Recombinant Proteins. When this artificial DNA (rDNA) is inserted into the cell of another organism, the later produces a protein, based on this recombinant DN

Complete 12 pages APA formatted article: Recombinant Proteins. When this artificial DNA (rDNA) is inserted into the cell of another organism, the later produces a protein, based on this recombinant DNA type, and this resulting protein is known as the ‘recombinant protein’. In this article, I will discuss the process which creates rDNA, and its end product the recombinant protein. My article will take a close look at this recent technological innovation which has conceptualized ‘recombinant proteins’, and explore its importance in the field of biotechnology and in other scientific studies. This article will also take a look into the ethical debate associated with this entire process of producing new genetic codes to create new traits, keeping in view the various advantages obtained from the process of ‘gene modification’, achieved through genetic engineering.

The concept of producing rDNA was first posed by students of Stanford University, Peter Lobban, and Dale Kaiser in 1972. This technique was then further explored and realized by Cohen, Chang, Boyer, & Helling in their paper

“Construction of Biologically Functional Bacterial Plasmids in Vitro” published in 1973 (Cohen, Chang, Boyer, & Helling, 1973). Recombinant technology became a reality when in 1970 Daniel Nathans,&nbsp.Hamilton O. Smith, and Werner Arber first recognized and isolated HindII,&nbsp.a restriction endonuclease (they were awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1978). With the successive discoveries of more restriction endonucleases, it became possible for the scientists to produce insulin in large scale quantities for diabetic patients, by using this recombinant DNA technology on the bacteria E.coli.

What is recombinant DNA: DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is the basic hereditary material that stores all genetic information pertinent to the future functioning and development of all living organisms (with few exceptions in the form of viruses).&nbsp.

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