Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article Post-War Manga and Animes Comments on Japanese Society. The work is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Post-War Manga and Animes Comments on Japanese Society. The work is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Japanese Manga and Animes have a huge fan following in Japan and it has a sizeable amount of followers on a global front as well. Even though, Japanese Animes and mangas is more like art form involving a stylized exaggeration in the representation and formation of character. Unlike normal cartoons, Japanese Animes have a strong plot and does not have the same element of slapstick comedy involved. Animes and Mangas have a strong plot and their visual characteristics may involve a strong influence of Japanese Calligraphy in the brush strokes used to draw various characters. (Brenner, 2007)

The various physical aspects of the cartoon characters shed light on the cultural aspects and influences of the artists. Japanese anime and Manga characters may have true to life features, however, their physical proportion and the size of their heads may vary according to the nature of their character. The most striking feature of Japanese anime and Manga characters is their eyes. Anime and Manga characters have large eyes and the pioneer of this style of drawing was Osamu Tekuza, who adopted this style of drawing his characters after he was greatly impressed by the technique used to draw Disney cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Betty Boop. (Hu. 2010)

The inclination of the artist to draw large eyes has often demonstrated the artists’ and the Japanese society’s obsession with Western features. However, through the aforementioned description, it is abundantly clear that an Anime is equivalent to a regular cartoon but there are significant variations in how it is produced and the plot of the cartoon is designed, which is much more mature compared to the plot involved in American animations. Manga, which simply a name for Japanese comic book has inspired several Animes. These Animes does not only revolve around much more mature protagonists and antagonists but their plots and sub-plots discuss more weighty issues faced by society.&nbsp.

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