Article Writing Homework Help

For this discussion, you will compare the quasi-experimental study Short-Term Outcomes of a 12-Step Program among Women with Anorexia, Bulimia, and Eating Disorders with the experimental study Emotion

For this discussion, you will compare the quasi-experimental study Short-Term Outcomes of a 12-Step Program among Women with Anorexia, Bulimia, and Eating Disorders with the experimental study Emotion and Eating Disorder Symptoms in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa: An Experimental Study. After you have examined the studies, you will describe the similarities and differences in the studies.Tell whether there are any apparent threats to internal and/or external validity. If there are any apparent threats to either internal or external validity, how do you know? What confounds, if any, are apparent in the study. Tell whether pre-experimental designs were part of the overall research design.

Finally, if you were a business leader or an executive in a healthcare organization, which type of research would you select to drive your decision making? Why?

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