Article Writing Homework Help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Do you really want to win the war against homosexuality once and for all. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Do you really want to win the war against homosexuality once and for all. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Do you really want to win the war against homosexuality once and for all? The agenda of homosexuality is being pursued by the people who believe in this dictum in essence. What this means is the fact that homosexuals are the very individuals who will believe that this gay marriage philosophy should stay as they derive the most potent benefit out of the related equation (Ruse 1993). They will leave no stone unturned to meet their objectives and goals which are bent upon bringing the most respect for this ideology essentially. The strategy is to create a feeling of repulsion for homosexuality so that the world comes to the negation of homosexuality as an understandable philosophy more than anything else. The people should realize that they have needs of their own and hence must be treated with respect and given their own space which homosexuality would not be able to offer in the first place (Lipkin 1999). The goals are to let the gays and homosexuals understand that they must choose the right path and refrain from indulging in acts which are unbecoming of normal, straight individuals. However this is not the case since the homosexuality element has become higher more than ever in the recent times. The motivation behind the homosexuality element is simply to gauge the extent of these gays and homosexuals towards the ideology of homosexuality and bringing them within its fore. This would help the movement grow in entirety and bring in more and more new people under its aegis. The likelihood of success is minimal because most of the people do not buy such a theory and more so which is linked with homosexuality in essence (Crowley 2004). They believe it as something which shall not bring upon success within the related ranks. The likelihood of success is therefore minimal because it does not solve any one’s problem. The realistic possibility of this mission comes about in full circle when the talk goes out loud regarding the homosexuality features. The homosexuals believe that this is a very important mission on their part and they must be given their due credit but for a sane individual, this might not hold much weight. This is because homosexuality is something that poses as a bane in the long run and has no benefits for the normal, straight individuals. The element of morality also comes out in the open here. This is because homosexuality is against morality and takes away the rights of the straight people without any shadow of a doubt. The understanding of homosexuality is a difficult one because it is not easily digestible by the people who shun these regimes essentially. It is therefore good to remark here that homosexuality might not be able to deliver what the gays and homosexuals have asked of it in the long run (McKnight 1997). The agenda of homosexuality is immoral and unethical as it creates more problems and issues than resolving the same. Therefore it would be a good idea to digest the negativities that these homosexuals have been able to muster up with a sheer sense of optimism created by the straight individuals in the society. Works Cited Crowley, Paul G. Homosexuality and the Counsel of the Cross. Theological Studies, Vol. 65, 2004 Lipkin, Arthur. Understanding Homosexuality, Changing Schools: A Text for Teachers, Counselors, and Administrators. Westview Press, 1999 McKnight, Jim. Straight Science? Homosexuality, Evolution and Adaptation. Routledge, 1997 Ruse, Michael. Homosexuality: Right or Wrong? Free Inquiry, Vol.

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