Social Science Homework Help

Read chapters provided and answer these question. Rubric: Your written work must demonstrate written expression in a logical and comprehensive manner with details that remain focused on the relevance

Read chapters provided and answer these question. Rubric: Your written work must demonstrate written expression in a logical and comprehensive manner with details that remain focused on the relevance to the question/items. – (2 points per response.) Additionally, each response must include text and/or discussion support.

1. For purposes of education, exceptional learners are those who require special education and related services if they are to realize their full human potential. They require special education because they differ markedly from most students in one or more of the following ways: They may have intellectual disabilities, learning or attention disabilities, emotional or behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, disorders of communication, autism, traumatic brain injury, impaired hearing, impaired sight, or special gifts or talents. Select three of the ways listed in the previous sentence; and elaborate on how this must manifest in the educational classroom, the teacher and the student, for the exceptional learner.

2. Although the landscape of special education has changed dramatically since the passage of PL 94-142: The Education for All Handicapped Children Act, one issue has remained constant. In 1975, the intent of the original law was the same as the intent today, to ensure that all children with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE). To provide students with disabilities the appropriate educational services in the setting that maximizes their potential (the least restrictive environment), schools must employ effective practices in identifying exceptional learners. A longstanding debate continues on how to best identify students who are exceptional learners. Regardless of the specific method of identification, the federal law requires that specific steps be followed in the process. Discuss and define the specific steps that this federal law requires be taken to ensure proper education for the exceptional student. Include how legislation has affected special education classes for the exceptional learner.

3. All cultures and ethnic groups of the world can take pride in much of their heritage, but all also bear a burden of indignity because at some time they have engaged in the ruthless treatment or literal enslavement of others. Sometimes this treatment has extended to minority members of their own larger group whose differences have been viewed as undesirable or intolerable. In virtually every nation, society, religion, ethnic group, tribe, or clan, discrimination exists against those who are different. It’s therefore critically important that we learn to accept the principle that those who differ from us are equals as human beings. Furthermore, all educators need to understand the purpose of multicultural education, which aims for educational institutions and curricula that provide equal educational opportunities to students regardless of their gender, social class, ethnicity, race, disability, or other cultural identity. Discuss and expand upon how educators of exceptional learners and parents, must work daily to seek to socialize students to a multicultural norm: acceptance of and respect for those whose culture differs from one’s own and knowledge of our shared history.

4. Define and elaborate on the meanings of the following as it relates to the exceptional student professional educators:

 Why are most professionals now using the term intellectual disabilities instead of mental retardation? 

How do professionals define intellectual disabilities? 

What methods of assessment are used to identify individuals with intellectual disabilities? 

What are some of the psychological and behavioral characteristics of learners with intellectual disabilities?

 How do professionals assess the progress of students with intellectual disabilities in academics and adaptive behavior?

5. Define and elaborate on the meanings of the following as it relates to the exceptional students professional educators:

 How do professionals define learning disabilities? 

How do professionals identify students with learning disabilities? 

What are some of the psychological and behavioral characteristics of learners with learning disabilities?

 What are some educational considerations for learners with learning disabilities? 

How do professionals assess the academic progress of students with learning disabilities? 

What are some important considerations with respect to transition to adulthood for learners with learning disabilities?

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