Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship. The Corporate social responsibility aids an organization to achieve its mission and vision and also serves as a guide in what the company actually stands for and its promise to the consumers. The main focus of this paper is the areas concerned with the organizational process of Nike Inc (Lisbeth 2010). The health of the community in most instances reflects heavily on the health of the enterprise. At the lowest definition, a social responsibility makes use of the sustainable business practices that bring good to the community ensuring that it is safe from harm. At the highest point of defining the term, corporate responsibility policies build meaningful and lasting relationships among the employees, public and consumers. Taking the community into perspective takes into account the expected benefits to an organization especially in the context of improving the financial status of the organization. Creating relationships on the basis of long-term outlooks with the affiliated parties while taking into consideration avoiding instances of socially and environmentally destructive short-term solutions ensures that the company is secure during economic hardships. There are numerous approaches to corporate responsibility and this depends on the organization’s size and the number of available resources as well as working with growing philanthropic efforts, community-level initiatives and focusing on the creation of business plans that generate shared value. Supporting organizations, events, and programs in local communities have the possibility to introduce long-term affirmative impacts. There are countless ways for companies to involve themselves in the building and maintenance of the immediate neighbors to the premise of the organization (Banerjee 2007). Nike Inc is a leading innovator in the design and creation of footwear and among the best companies across the world. One of the most significant impacts the organizations have is humanizing the working conditions in the international supply chain and trade all over the world. The three main products for the company include footwear, equipment and apparel and they are constantly under creation in 600 contract manufacturing factories that have approximately 800,000 employees in over 46 countries worldwide. The organization process of the company aims at building an equitable and empowered task force. The company has continually worked towards this goal for the last ten years and it is pioneering a variety of approaches that have the goal to influence positive changes in its supply chain. The company learned valuable lessons from its successes and its shortcomings and it continues to share the training through constant reports as well as the inclusion of other means. Although the company boasts of many improvements, it experiences challenging issues such as the establishment of a favorable operational process to take care of the currently flawed system. As a result, the company began to identify the root causes in their line of work and continued to work to address the tribulations with contracted producers and other brands (Aaron 2008). Currently, the company is in the starting blocks that are a sure way of transforming how the company deals with managing sustainability issues that affect it within the context of&nbsp.the local supply chain.

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