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Write 5 pages thesis on the topic cognitive psychology and theories of personality.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic cognitive psychology and theories of personality. b). Explain how this theory applies to your life. The information processing theory is applicable in my life through the adoption of TOTE. In life, goals are set and resources directed in order for their achievement. Thus, TOTE advises me that in case I have tested a certain goal and have not achieved it, I need to perform an operation in order to achieve the set goal. However, in case the goal is not achievable after several attempts, I need to abandon it since continued testing is imprudent (Miller, 1956). 2).We all have problems with our short term memories from time to time. a. Give an example of when you have felt that your resources have been drained due to stress on your working memory. In life, sometimes remembering certain information proves challenging. Revisiting a place I went for the first time seemed a nightmare in the earlier years. This was because locating my route was a problem and in many instances, I inquired from the locals, thus portraying an image of an alien. Moreover, I used to spend a lot of time and energy moving from one place to another remembering street names and in inquiring from locals, and thus was stressed and tired at the end of my journey. Therefore, I used to get embarrassed and uncomfortable in such situations. b). Then discuss different tactics you used to try to help the situation. In trying to solve the situation, I started mastering images, signposts, and pictures on my way. Consequently, I remembered unique buildings and names of roads, and using them as a guide in finding my way out in case I got lost. c). Can you think of some mnemonic devices you have used to aid in remembering material? -Image mnemonics – I have used common image mnemonics of both mentally and in my class notes to aid in remembering certain points from lectures. I normally draw images that I easily remember during exam, and this has enhanced academic performance (Martin, 2012). -Name mnemonics – in order to boost my memory, I use name mnemonics by taking the first letter of certain points and combining them to create a more recollectable term or name that I easily remember during exam period, thus leading to improved grades (Martin, 2012). -Model mnemonics – to boost my memory, I devise models with varied shapes such as pie charts and circular sequence. Thereafter, I incorporate lists and some words, which assist me in recalling the vital information whenever I need them. -Music mnemonics- I use music to remember certain information and details. I normally compose a song from a list of class notes and points, thus, facing minimal difficulties in trying to remember the points. This has also boosted my grade in class (Martin, 2012). 3) a. In what ways is Erikson’s theory different from and similar to Freud’s theory? Which theory do you think has more validity? Explain your reasoning. Erikson’s theory of personality introduces the eight stages of development in the entire life of a human being. At each stage, a person confronts as well as masters the new challenges, thus the stages are dependent. one stage develops because of successful completion of the other earlier stages (McLeod, 2008). Each of the psychosocial development stage is characterized by a conflict or forces which if successfully reconciled leads to a favorable result.

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