Article Writing Homework Help

Write a 4 pages paper on about ethics 4. What are the defining / distinguishing features of moral courage? Elaborate to clarify what you mean by each. By definition there are five essential parts of m

Write a 4 pages paper on about ethics 4. What are the defining / distinguishing features of moral courage? Elaborate to clarify what you mean by each. By definition there are five essential parts of moral courage, which include: existence and identification of a moral situation, moral choice, behavior, individuality, and fear. By counting existence and identification of a moral situation, it is meant that without a situation to prove the presence of moral courage in a person, the virtue of moral courage cannot be vindicated. By identifying the moral situation, the onlooker gets charged to react due to one’s inherent ethical values. The inherent values and principles compel the observer to react to the emerged situation. This leads to the second distinct feature of moral courage – moral choice (Miller, 2005). A person facing a moral situation must take a decision related to the moral alternative. By invoking the moral values and principles, the person must take not a legal but morally right decision (Miller, 2005). The third feature of moral courage is behavior because it draws a line between moral courage and moral reasoning. Just thinking what should be done to come over the moral issue and actually doing that right action are two different things. It is behavior that leads to doing the right action (Miller, 2005).

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