Engineering Homework Help

use chapter 5&6 include speaker notes Content Selectone of the following situations to observe, and make detailed notes about the ob

use chapter 5&6 include speaker notes Content Selectone of the following situations to observe, and make detailed notes about the observation (please do not do something from your memory): Observe a small group or team–such as an office team, church group, family gathering–and take notes regarding the interactions and communication dynamics you observe. The observation should be 30 minutes in length – this can be a virtual meeting. Watch a television show–such as a sitcom or any reality show–or movie that depicts small groups, families, or teams. Take notes regarding the interactions and communication dynamics depicted in the television show. [RECOMMENDED] Preparea 8- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation, in which you assess the interactions and dynamics within the communication climate you observed.Describethe following concepts: Supportive and defensive communication climates Confirming and disconfirming responses Cohesiveness Active listening Nonverbal dynamics In addition to your assessment,answerthe following questions: What types of verbal and nonverbal dynamics were there? Explain by using specific situations / examples What behavior indicated a supportive or defensive communication climate? Why? Explain by using specific situations / examples What types of confirming or disconfirming responses did you witness? How did they contribute to the cohesiveness of the group? Explain by using specific situations / examples What types of barriers or indicators to effective listening occurred? Why were they a barrier or indicator? Explain by using specific situations / examples Formatyour assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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