Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article Cult Cinema. The work is to be 24 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Cult Cinema. The work is to be 24 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The content is often offbeat or even transgressive, besides being aberrant or challenging. The central themes tend to be far-fetched and uncanny, but still become the centre of audience’s attention. Thus, cult cinema tends to be categorically different from the mainstream cinema. this dissimilarity is revealed by lack of highfalutin artistic exclusiveness, mass consumerism, and political correctness in cult movies.

This dissertation will provide a context for defining cult cinema, by delineating the peculiar characteristics that distinguish it from other genres. This dissertation is based upon information accumulated from a vast array of primary and secondary research sources dealing with cult cinema. The chief source was literature comprising of books, journal articles, articles in periodicals specifically aimed at identifying the underlying factors that drive audience towards cult cinema. Since the dissertation is aimed at exposing the factors that have developed a fan following, so analysis of the narrative, literary techniques, characters, and plot is relevant to this study. In addition to that, secondary methods shall also encompass analysis of box office success and commercial business of the top fifty cult films.

Secondary resources such as statistical data concerning commercial revenue reveal that cult films were box office hits. Similarly, reviews of most successful movies based on the viewers’ ability to recall showed that many cult films such as Blade Runner, The Shawshank Redemption, Godzilla, Star Wars, Jaws, Scary Movie were the most favourites of all times. Other literature such as journal articles and books define the textual attributes and enigmatic signifiers that appeal to young and middle aged fans. Furthermore, analysis of movies made during the last two decades revealed how audiences’ demand has accelerated the trend of making of the cult films. In the ultimate analysis, the information contained in the following pages will shed light on how cult cinema, despite being bizarre and farfetched has produced some groundbreaking films and developed a huge fan following. Increasingly, audiences are fascinated by the aesthetic elements of cult movies such as enigmatic signifiers: mysterious puzzles that provoke thought and engage audiences throughout the film. Lastly, the process of narrative and characters go under an unexpected transformation to deliver ontological shock to audience’s leaves a mark on the audience. Undoubtedly, these aspects make cult movies the centre of fan debate and discussion.

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