English Homework Help

Activity1:This graphic story(https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/the-wireless/373065/the-pencilsword-on-a-plate) is a great illustration of the myth of meritocracy and social mobility. Take a few minutes to re


This graphic story(https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/the-wireless/373065/the-pencilsword-on-a-plate) is a great illustration of the myth of meritocracy and social mobility. Take a few minutes to read through the stories of the 2 characters.

The story states that “over the years all these little differences … they start to add up. Build into something bigger… And because each little difference sneaks by unnoticed … Then maybe Richard starts to believe that he deserves to be on top. That he did it all by himself.”

Answer this question:

How can you explain this last statement using concepts about social mobility and meritocracy?

What are some of the “little differences” related to education and work that affect the social mobility of each character?


Watch the video: Culture, politics and pedagogy: a conversation with Henry Giroux (Challenging Media, 2006), which you could find it on YouTube.

Answer this question:

1. What is Giroux’s idea of an ideal learning environment?

2. What does he see as the real purpose of education?

3. What is the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Policy, and why do you think he is so angry about it? (you may have to do a bit of research to find out)

4. Which concepts from course readings, lectures, etc. so far can you bring to the issues about education raised by Giroux?

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