Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Surrealism and its Inspiration. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Surrealism and its Inspiration. It needs to be at least 1250 words. When Breton designed the cover of ‘Young Cherry Trees Secure against Hare’s surrealism,’ he brought out a strong message for the audience. In the cover, he transformed the commonly known symbol for freedom that bears the face of a woman and replaced it with his own. He realized that he could use what people had prior knowledge to create an impact. He was advocating for the liberty that artists needed. He was defying the old way of thinking that expected artists to express issues that people knew. It is with this thinking that he founded surrealism (Sepp and Lester 78). With such thinking in the artist’s mind, disorder may result because odd ideas from the subconscious mind come out. One of the famous surrealists of the time was Salvador Dali. Dali started out as a poet but diversified to being an author of books and painter. Dali was a vocal artist who defended his wild pieces of work and asserted that he did not need to understand them himself. As long as they were coming from his subconscious mind, he did not have to hold back from expressing himself. As a result, Dali produced work that amazes anyone seeking to appreciate his pieces of work. One of the images that has evoked the imagination and attention of people over time is the painting Dali named the ‘persistence of memory’. In this painting, he portrayed soft watches hanging on a rock, on a tree and on another surface that is not very clear. The unique thing about these watches is that they are melting. The persistence of memory attracted a lot of interpretation and different opinions on the interpretation. The fact that watches were melting seemed to suggest something that was continuously happening to time.

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