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Write 13 pages with APA style on Evolution in the Workplace. Ever since the beginning of time, we were created for survival. Whether this survival is by natural selection, or by clinging onto Jesus’ t

Write 13 pages with APA style on Evolution in the Workplace. Ever since the beginning of time, we were created for survival. Whether this survival is by natural selection, or by clinging onto Jesus’ teachings, we were still created to rise to the top. But not everyone rises to the top in the same way. Not only do we not rise in the same way, but we also are not always chosen for the role we want in life. Our behavior seems to dictate who we will hang out with at lunchtime during our high school years. We are guided by our behavior which orders us to determine how we will communicate with our professors in order to receive a passing grade in college. Our children learn to sweat talk to us with “good” behavior when they want to go to a party or want us to change our minds about something already predetermined. Our behavior runs the show. The question isn’t whether we are good at convincing one another or choosing the right group of friends to associate ourselves with. The question is how hardwired is human behavior? (Nicholson, 1998, p. 135) Is it in our genes? Is it in our blood? Did God make us a certain way? Did evolution split us in a particular direction? So many questions with such a diverse amount of answers lead some to believe that it is through natural selection that we are able to stand on our own two feet and be successful in life, and in our workplace. But others, still, believe that from day one, we were made to be a certain way. This could be through creation or evolution. Evolution is not the belief that there is no intelligent design. It is the belief that things change and adapt to its particular origin. The origin can be different for each species and not even Charles Darwin claimed to know what the origin was. (Wright, 1994, pp. 1-10) He only claims that things evolve from one point to another. Evolution, however, is not just one step and the theory is not as narrow as it may seem. The theory includes six different components which create the theory of evolution in its entirety. The six components are evolution, gradualism, speciation, common ancestry, natural selection, and nonselective mechanism of evolutionary change. (Coyne, 2009, p. 3) Each of these parts means something important and are directly applied to determining which person is the best fit for the job at hand. Evolution itself means that a particular species undergo genetic change over time. Is this something that occurs in the workplace? Yes! Over time, people learn how to please their “boss” or they are not rehired. For the manager, they learn to look for traits that are going to help grow their business, not shrink it. This is where the idea of modern Darwinism comes in. The new fields of science or psychology do not just come about. They evolve, and with its evolution come the ability to choose in a more purposeful way. Choosing who will work for you is so important because you do not want to be stuck with the thought that you will need to “fire” that person. Gradualism is the idea that it takes many years to produce the product of evolution. (Coyne, 2009, p. 4) In the workplace, this means two things. The manager or the boss needs to have several bad apples before realizing what he really wants, and, improvement in the workforce comes over time. Competition adds to the search for the new and better-improved resources that will help a company grow, and not extinguish itself. Part of this gradualism is allowing time for a change.

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