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You will prepare and submit a term paper on Providing an overview of an organizational position of human resources as a staff or support function. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Providing an overview of an organizational position of human resources as a staff or support function. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length. Organizational Position of Human Resource as a Staff Function Organizational position of human resource In the healthcare sector facilities, the person who is usually in charge of Human Resource (HR) mostly report to one of the two top executives of the organizations, that’s the president or chief executive officer (CEO). The individual may be referred to as administrator or director depending on the type of the organization. The next second level of choice in which HR may report to is an executive vice president or chief operating officer (COO). The HR may be known by other titles like assistant administrator or associate administrator that designates the number two executive in the organization. Hernandez and OConnor (2010) argue that in many health care organizations, persons heading the HR normally report to the top executives. In small healthcare organizations there will be no second level of executive management and therefore the HR will report directly to the CEO.

As a staff or support function, the HR facilitates the work, striving to obtain the overall effectiveness and efficiency. Staff operations supports and enhance the work of an organizations through making it possible to continue producing products or provision of services. Staff areas in a health care organization are HR, housekeeping, finance, and maintenance. None of these areas provide direct services to the patients, but if they are not performed, the patient will experience both losses in quality and inefficiencies. The primarily role of the staff or support is to maintain the organization’s service environment and capability, making the line operations to continue operating in an optimal manner.

Ways in Which Human Resource Services May be provided

Human resource services of any healthcare entity are provided through acquisition of staffs by HR planning, effective recruitment and selection, development of the employees through training, organizational change and developments, and carrier developments. Additionally, HR motivates the employees through performance appraisals, job satisfaction, provision of good working environments, and reward systems. According to Shi (2007) HR services are provided through maintenance such as provision of benefits, working conditions and services that may commit employees to the organizations.

HRs organizational role.

HR may be an organization’s expert and official voice regarding personnel policies, compensation, and benefits, and many of the legalities concerning employments. Human resource managers working in a health care organizations therefore provide service, assistance, guidance, and whatever other services that may be deemed appropriate according to the needs of the department and the organization (Sims, 2002). In addition, Human Resource have both strategic and transactional role that helps one to monitor the development of the organization. The human resource can as well mentor the staffs within its organization or department to improve quality and effectives of the service provided.


Staff functions support and enhance the work of an organization by making it possible to continue with the production of products or continue delivering of services as intended. The degree of effectiveness of the HR depends on the relationship of the HR with the CEO as well as the staffs within the organization.


Sims, R. R. (2002). Organizational success through effective human resources management. Westport, Ct: Quorum Books.

Hernandez, S. R., & OConnor, S. J. (2010). Strategic human resources management in health services organizations. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.

Shi, L. (2007). Managing human resources in health care organizations. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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