Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on emg muscle activity in various rehabilitation exercises Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on emg muscle activity in various rehabilitation exercises Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Introduction: This document is a research proposal regarding a research on muscle activities in different rehab exercises on patients suffering from knee pains. The exercises under focus are leg press, squats, leg extensions comprising of different variables such as two foot placement on leg press, narrow foot placement that is widened, low foot placement, high foot placement, etc. Lehman (2004) explains that pains on the knees are the most common injuries that a body suffers from its joints. In explaining his point, Rubin (2000) and Singh (2012) uses the type of a walk whereby an individual walks up and down the stairs.

In their analysis, the pressure an individual suffers on the joint of his or her knees is four times the body weight of an individual (Rubin, 2000. Sing, 2012). This is an indication that an everyday pressure on the knees can result to pain (Vogt, 2011). However, there are a number of muscle activities or exercises that can help in the reduction of this knee joint pain. This research aims at identifying these exercises and coming up with information that explains their effectiveness in the reduction of pain within the knees of an individual.

Aims of this Research:

The following are the aims of this research,

Examination of this aspect of knee joint pains.

Examining the importance of exercises in the reduction of knee joint pains.

Identification of specific exercises that can lead to a reduction of joint knee pains.

Coming up with a recommendation on how to reduce knee joint pains.

Research Questions:

The following are the questions that this research aims at answering,

What are the main exercises that can help in the reduction of knee joint pains?

How can they be effectively and efficiently administered?

Is EMG the best method of analyzing the exercises that can be used in the reduction of pain?

Objectives of this Research:

This research has two major objectives, and these objectives are,

Having an understanding of this aspect of knee joints, their causes and the most effective methods of preventing and treating them.

Giving a recommendation on the best exercises that can reduce this aspect of knee joints, and an efficient and most effective method that can be used for purposes of carrying out this exercise.


This research will use the quantitative methods of data collection. The specific method to be used is the electromyography (Creswell, 2003). Electromyography is a diagnostic procedure that medical experts use for purposes of assessing the health of individual muscles, and the nerve cells which have the capability of controlling the motor neurons. The EMG relies on the motor neurons for purposes of transmitting signals that have the capability of causing muscles to contract (Pons, 2013). The EMG will thereafter transmit these signals into sounds, graphs and numerical values which a specialist will interpret. It is these results that the researcher will use in analyzing and coming up with a conclusion on the best exercise that can be used for purposes of controlling and treating knee joint pains (Subic, 2000).


This research will help in understanding this concept of knee joint pains. It will identify different exercises that can be used for purposes of reducing knee pains. In this regard, this research is important because its recommendations can be used for purposes of treating pains on the joints of a knee.


Creswell, J. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches

(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

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Creswell, J., & Clark, V. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Thousand

Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.

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Lehman, T. (2004). Its not just growing pains a guide to childhood muscle, bone, and joint pain,

rheumatic diseases, and the latest treatments. New York: Oxford University Press.

Pons, J. (2013). Converging clinical and engineering research on neurorehabilitation. Berlin:


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Ravindran, A. (2009). Operations research methodologies. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

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Rubin, D. (2000). Update on the knee. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.

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Singh, P. (2012). 100 cases in orthopaedics and rheumatology. Oxford: Hodder arnold.

Subic, A. (2000). The engineering of sport research, development and innovation. Malden,

Mass.: Blackwell Science.

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Taylor, L. (2007). Knee pain: Prevention and treatment. London: P2P Publishing.

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Taylor, L. (2012). Simple Ways to Wellness a Workbook for Self-Healing. Boston: Tuttle Pub.

Vogt, W. (2011). SAGE quantitative research methods. London: SAGE.

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